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Sleepover in Blijdorp Zoo

How much fun is that?
Info and Vacation and Weekend Trips
Diergaarde blijdorp homepage
What? ZOO Camp
Children from 9 up to and including 11 years

Where? Blijdorp Zoo

When? Various dates,

from July 18 up to and including August 30

A night ZOO Camp costs 65, - euro p.p.
where among other is included:

entrance fee Blijdorp Zoo
one overnight stay
two meals
coffee for your parents
a nice souvenir
expert guidance

Every summer holiday children from 9 up to and including 11 years old can spend a night at the Zoo. ZOO Camp it is called and it is a lot of fun! You can see it in the video.

Be quick because the number of places is limited! To book ahead or extensive information about ZOO Camp look here

At 4.30 PM you will be expected to arrive at Blijdorp Zoo. Your parents leave and then the adventure starts. You put up your tent with some help and get settled in. Dinner is a barbecue and after dinner there are various fun activities, until it is completely dark,

Then it gets exciting! Now the Zoo exploration begins, without flashlights. You don't go to bed until about midnight. But just like the real animal caretakers you have to be up at six o'clock. You go to work with them, the animals are hungry, they want breakfast!

After that you clean the "camping spot" then the animals can come back out. By now you are very hungry! In good weather you have breakfast outside. Then follows a surprise and at half past nine your parents arrive to pick you up again.

You will definitly have a lot to tell them about your adventures!

Have lots of fun!