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our choice for Animal Day
Animal Day, Picture Book, Book without words, and Animal Books
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Author / Illustrator: Patrick Macdonnell
Original language: English
Published: December 2008
Publishers: Little, Brown Children
ISBN13: 9780316005098
Price: £ 4.09
Age: all ages

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For Animal Day tomorrow we would like to give a shout to South by the American writer/artist Patrick MacDonnell (from the well-known series Mutts). Animal Day is the perfect time to "read" such an awesome book to the mini-monsters.

It's a book without words, but you don't miss them. If the forgotten bird starts to cry, Ming cannot abandon him. Together they set out in search of the South.

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Watch the little bird's and Ming's snouts as they inconspicuously slide past a big kat or when they have to mix with a mass of people on a busy street. Brilliant!

3 beautiful radiant shining stars for South, from all the little viewers, listeners and the readers!