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Paulus, Sinterklaas' helper

by Jean Dulieu
Dutch language, Picture Book, and Sinterklaas
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Paulus, Sinterklaas' little helper
Author/Illustrator: Jean Dulieu
Series: Paulus, de boskabouter
Original language: Dutch
Published: 2009 (a reprint)
Publishers: Ploegsma
ISBN: 90 216 0159 1
Price: 14.90 euro
Age group: 4 - 8 jaar

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The classic Paulus, Sinterklaas' helper with brilliant black and white illustrations is a book to love forever. In 1962 Jean Dulieu received for this book the "Children's Book of the Year" Literature Award.

Our book dates from 1976, it is an 8th edition. In 2009, it was reprinted again. This means that not only we have been enjoying this book for many years, but the kids of today are enjoying it as well. Great! Because the Paulus books are brilliant, both illustrations and stories.

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When Sinterklaas on a cold, foggy December night got lost in the dark forest he fortunately bumps into Paulus the wood gnome. When Paulus hears about the existence of pakjesavond he delivers Sinterklaas gifts to all the animals in the forest as Sinterklaas' aid. It will become a memorable Sinterklaas Eve for Paulus and the animals. So have a cozy read, you'll have lots of fun with this Paulus book!

3 diamant stars for Paulus de Hulp-Sinterklaas (Paulus, Sinterklaas' little helper) from all the young snazzie-listeners!