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Sushi ingredients

you buy at the Asian supermarket or toko
Info and Asian
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Shopping list
sushi rice
rice vinegar
bag of vinegar powder
nori seaweed
wasabi paste
koikuchi soy sauce
(dried) shitake
pickled ginger

Promo 04

Sushi ingredients are for sale in abundance in Holland. On the internet you can find all sorts of websites with addresses of Asian grocery stores and Asian shops all over the Netherlands. Today snazzie will show you some essential ingredients for sushi making, for your info.

Tomorrow we'll get to work!

Sushi rijst

Sushi rice and a ready made sachet of rice vinegar powder, with salt, sugar and mirin.

Traditional Japanese rice vinegar, if you prefer to use liquid instead of vinegar powder.

Mirin is a sweet Japanese rice wine which is only suitable for cooking.


Japanese koikuchi soy sauce.

Dried seaweed sheets or Nori.

Pickled ginger and wasabi paste.

The famous sushi rolling mat.

Geroosterde sesam
Sushi 09

Sesame seeds, to roast in the frying pan.

Cucumber and fresh shiitake, often used in sushi.

Fresh fish such as smoked salmon, surimi and crayfish.

Also Shrimp, very thinly sliced raw tuna and smoked eel is often used in sushi making. In Japan but also in the Netherlands, just like tofu and very thin omelette. And with a little imagination many variations come to mind. Have lots of fun with it!